Jun 22, 2008

A Major Project...

I'll be going home next weekend for a much-needed rest. But I have a project waiting for me that is very exciting and may well prevent getting that rest. And here's the rest of the story...

Several years ago, a group of our friends who are amateur musicians started having informal music parties that were hosted by members of the group. Sometimes we had a few people and sometimes many, but we had these get togethers monthly for several years. The host would prepare a main dish like chili or hamburgers and the guests brought salads and desserts. We usually had at least one guitar player, a mandolin, a banjo, sometimes a fiddle, usually at least one hammer dulcimer, and lots of fun. I always played my autoharp and we usually had group singing on at least a few songs. The parties gradually died out as people moved or got busy with other interests.

As Mary Ann and I acquired the land on which her new building now stands, we decided we had the perfect location for a "music gazebo" in which we could start having music parties once again. We selected a lovely spot under the trees and poured a concrete pad on which to put it. We have run water and electricity to the spot, and now the gazebo kit has arrived!
We've recruited the assistance of our friends (and fellow music lovers) Monty and Dinah Love, and next weekend we'll start putting it together. Here's a picture of what the finished product will look like, all 12' x 18' of it:

I ran across a video of a gentleman building a smaller one as a good will gesture. I couldn't help noticing the army of people in the video working on it! What have we gotten ourselves into?? Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Uncle Bob - I hope this finds you well! I am enjoying Vienna but am unable to share my adventures over email or blog while I am overseas. I did think of you this weekend; a friend of mine attended a music festival in Ashville and sent me this link: http://www.romanticasheville.com/shindig.htm
    It looks like a lot of fun! Hope you are well and know that I enjoy reading your blog! love, sue
    ps - my overseas email is: skahrs20@gmail.com (As you know, I work for the State Department.)
