Jun 9, 2009

Have a Great Ride, Emily!!!

This morning at 9:00 AM, Emily Anderson and some friends set out on a great transcontinental adventure. They departed from 1930 Broadway in New York City heading for San Francisco as a reenactment of Alice Ramsey's 1909 drive across the country. Alice was the first woman to drive an automobile across the continent. Emily will be driving a 1909 Model DA Maxwell, exactly like the car Alice drove.

My 1932 Plymouths are direct descendents of the Maxwell. On June 6, 1925, Walter P. Chrysler reorganized the Maxwell Motor Company (est. 1904) to form the Chrysler Corporation. The engineering in the early Chrysler products bears a strong resemblance to the last Maxwells.

I recall the excitement I felt leaving Tacoma, Washington, in 1998, as I started on my first Great Race, heading for Haverhill, Massachusetts. My best wishes to Emily and her friends for a safe and successful trip!

Check out their Web site at http://aliceramsey.org

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