Jul 27, 2009

Winston Goes to a Car Show...

A week ago I decided to take my 1932 Plymouth coupe, Winston, to a car show in Huntsville. My friend Monty Love came up and we drove into Huntsville together. The show was held at the Landers-McClarty Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep dealership. There were probably 200 cars, mostly modified muscle cars and street rods. We didn't get a trophy. That was no surprise, since the car is a driven car, having participated in 4 Great Race events. Also, the restoration is now about 12 years old, so the car is not a pristine "trailer queen."

Monty and I both forgot two key items -- cameras and sunscreen! Thus, I can not share any pictures of that car show. And, I'm still peeling from a pretty substantial sunburn.

This weekend there was another car show much closer to home. Again, I decided to attend to see what cars might show up. This time, in spite of the fact that I didn't prepare the car, I came home with two awards! I got a nice trophy for 2nd place in the antique car class. More amusing was the award for "Best Rims." The judge said he had a thing for the wood spokes!

A young man came by during the show and asked if he could take a few pictures of my car. I was flattered. You may enjoy them:

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