Nov 2, 2011

Heroic Ancestor...

My Great-Grandfather George Neddo enlisted in the Union army on October 2nd, 1861.  He lived in Whitehall, New York, very close to the Vermont line.  When he heard the call, he rode his horse 42 miles up the route that is now Vermont highway 22A to Middlebury, where he enlisted.  He served until being mustered out honorably on October 28, 1864.  I have read the history of his unit, Company A of the 6th Vermont Infantry Regiment, many times.  The toll taken by disease is even worse than the losses suffered in battle, which were themselves appalling.  I marvel that he made it through the carnage.  And to his credit, he rose from Private to the rank of Captain (at a time when a unit's officers up to the rank of Captain were elected).  He engaged in the following battles:
Warwick Creek, Va.
April 6, 1862
Lee's Mills, Va.
April 16, 1862
Williamsburg, Va.
May 5, 1862
Golding's Farm, Va.
June 27, 1862
Golding's Farm, Va.
June 28, 1862
Savage's Station, Va.
June 29, 1862
White Oak Swamp, Va.
June 30, 1862
Crampton's Gap, Md.
Sept. 14, 1862
Antietam, Md.
Sept. 17, 1862
Fredericksburg, Va.
Dec. 13, 1862
Marye's Heights, Va.
May 3, 1863
Salem Heights, Va.
May 3, 1863
Banks Ford, Va.
May 4, 1863
Fredericksburg, Va.
June 5, 1863
Gettysburg, Pa.
July 3, 1863
Funkstown, Md.
July 10, 1863
Gainesville, Va.
Oct. 19, 1863
Rappahannock Station, Va.
Nov. 7,  1863
Wilderness, Va.
May 5, to 10, 1864
Spottsylvania, Va.
May 10 to 18, 1864
Cold Harbor, Va.
June 1 to 12, 1864
Petersburg, Va.
June 18, 1864
Welden R. R., Va.
June 23, 1864
Reams's Station, Va.
June 29, 1864
Fort Stevens, Md.
July 12, 1864
Charlestown, W. Va.
Aug. 21, 1864
Opequan, Va.
Sept. 13, 1864
Winchester, Va.
Sept. 19, 1864
Fisher's Hill, Va.
Sept. 21 and 22, 1864
Cedar  Creek,  Va.
Oct. 19, 1864

Needless to say, I'm honored and proud to be George Neddo's descendant.

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