Feb 24, 2012

Decorah Eagles are Back!!!

Decorah Raptor Resource Center

The nesting eagles in Decorah Iowa are being followed again by the infamous "NestCam."  As of today, there are two eggs in the nest, one laid on February 17 and one on the 20th.  They have an incubation period of 35-37 days.  At any given moment, you'll find that there are thousands of viewers.  Last year, the live streaming site was the most viewed video in the history of Ustream.tv.  So much for privacy!  Here's the live shot:

A few days ago, after the first egg was laid, there was a quick snowstorm.  This picture is one of my favorites.  Imagine the dedication of this mother bird!  And imagine the effectiveness of the feathers (some 7,000 I'm told) as an insulation layer!

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