Mar 17, 2013

Hat Day

"Howdy, Buckaroos."
Recently, I came down with a severe case of HAS -- Hat Acquisition Syndrome.  This malady is a close cousin of GAS -- Guitar Acquisition Syndrome, which afflicts a couple of my close friends.  I have observed that when they come down with GAS, there's only one cure.  They buy a new guitar and the symptoms disappear (at least for a while; It seems to be chronic.).

I believe that in my case the HAS was brought on by a recent job assignment.  I've been working in Texas.  A lot of Texans wear hats.  Big hats.  Cowboy hats.  They brought to mind my days living in Oklahoma.  And I used to wear a type of hat that was commonly referred to as a "short horn."  Taking a cue from my GAS-afflicted pals, I decided to search for a proper hat.

A little Googling revealed that the hat I was looking for is the Stetson "Open Road."  Think LBJ.  And a little further research told me that the hat is available in straw or felt (either a 3X beaver felt or the top-of-the-line 4X).  I'm a felt hat kind of guy.  I started looking at prices.  This is no WalMart commoner's bonnet.  For the 4X model, we're looking at over $200!!  I decided that maybe straw wasn't so bad after all.  Then I mentioned my quest to Clint, my co-worker, who happens to be a real pit bull kind of Internet searcher.

We measure my head.  I need a 7-5/8 sized hat.  Clint goes to work.  Within a few minutes he informs me of the following ad:

I mentioned it to Mary Ann and she said, "Let's go over to Marietta on Saturday.  It would be an adventure."  So, I emailed the seller who called me back.  We figured out where and when to meet.  Mary Ann and I drove to Marietta yesterday, met my new best friend, Rory, and tried on the hat.  It fit.  I paid him.  The HAS disappeared instantly.

The hat was initially purchased a few years ago at Stark & Legum men's clothing store in Norfolk, Virginia.  It was given to Rory's father, who never wore the hat.  It was still in its box with the original wrapping paper.  Rory's dad passed away a couple of years ago and Rory put it in his own closet, thinking he might wear it some day.  That day never came, so I was fortunate enough to get it.

Mary Ann and I had a lovely dinner at the Moonlight Bistro in Mentone, Alabama, and got home around dark.
The Moonlight Bistro

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