Sep 13, 2013

The Diana Singing...

Campers at "the Singing"

For many years, a little town not far from my home has been the site of a remarkable a capella singing event.  It began one evening in July, 1969.  A gospel meeting had just been completed in Diana, TN.  Brother William Sanders of Diana had led the singing, and Brother Tom Holland, then of Henderson, TN had been preaching.  The two of them were talking about an all-night quartet singing being held in Nashville at the Ryman Auditorium.  Bro. Sanders questioned, “If people will go to hear quartets sing all night, why wouldn’t people come sing all night?”  Further discussion between these two led to the decision to try to have an all-night congregational singing.

According to the Web site of the Diana Singing, “The first Diana Singing was conducted in October of 1969 at the Diana, TN Church of Christ building.  Bro. Sanders had agreed to spend the necessary time preparing for the singing.  Because he was a member of the Diana Church of Christ, he secured permission for the singing to be held there.  There were no operating funds but Bros. Sanders and Holland invested $15 to have cards printed advertising the first all-night singing.  However, it was Bro. Sanders enthusiasm for the singing that became contagious, and when time for the first singing arrived, hundreds of people were on hand.”
Over the years, it’s been held every June and September.  What started inside a small rural church now overflows a huge tractor shed built just for this event.

I learned of this event through my immediate boss, who is an active singer and will be attending the event this weekend.  He and about 3,000 others will join voices in what promises to be truly “a joyful noise unto the Lord.  Here’s a sample from a previous Diana Singing.

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